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F1: Bernie Ecclestone confirms Spanish hosts to alternate race

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From GMM

Bernie Ecclestone has confirmed that Barcelona and Valencia will, from next year, alternate a single annual Spanish grand prix race date.

Currently, the two venues have their own places on the formula one calendar.

The Germany-style alternating scheme had been floated as a potential solution also for Spain, given the promoters' financial struggles, and F1 chief executive Ecclestone's need to free up calendar space for new races.

"Under the circumstances, especially the current economic climate, the best solution we could find was that we alternate," Ecclestone told the El Pais newspaper when asked about Spain's two F1 hosts.

F1 Valencia
Start of the 2011 European grand prix at Valencia. (Photo: Pirelli)

He is unapologetic about the push - mainly at the expense of the sport's European homeland - into new markets in the Far and Middle East.

"We are a world championship, and that means we have to be all over the planet," Ecclestone said. "We are not a European championship. We should be grateful about how far we can go."


GT1: Exim’s Porsche 997 takes victory at Zolder

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The Porsche 997 ran by team Exim, and driven by Mike Parisy and Matt Halliday, takes win in the championship race at Zolder.

In qualifying race, the Vita4One BMW Z4 driven par Jelmer Buurman and Michael Bartels managed to take benefit of the wet-dry conditions to put the right set of tires at the right time, and emerge in the lead to score its first win of the season. The Z4 concluded the race ahead of Team Munnich's Mercedes SLS (Pastorelli/Jager) and the Exim Porsche driven by Parisy and Halliday, which started from the pole.

GT Porsche 997
Porsche 997. (Photo: WRi2)

In championship, it was team Exim's turn to set the best strategy in the same weather conditions : the Porsche 997 ran 3rd before mid race's pit stop, and moved up to the lead when all the cars made their stop, with Mike Parisy at the wheel. The Frenchman crossed the finish line in front, despite the return of the BMW Z4 driven by Jelmer Buurman.

Stephane Ortelli and Laurens Vanthoor, who won qualifying and championship race at Nogaro for the opening round of the season, stay in front of provisional classification, despite a quite disapointing week end when the took 12th and 6th places.

GT Zolder
Photo: WRi2

Qualifying race:
1 - Buurman/Bartels (BMW Z4) - Vita4One - 36 laps in 1:00'41"928

2 - Pastorelli/Jager (Mercedes SLS) - Munnich + 0"567
3 - Parisy/Halliday (Porsche 997) - Exim + 20"578

4 - Makowiecki/Dusseldorp (McLaren MP4/12C) - Hexis +21"119

5 - Mayr-Melnhof/Lauda (BMW Z4) - Vita4One + 21"462

Championship race:
1 - Parisy/Halliday (Porsche 997) - Exim - 36 laps in 1:00'32"983
2 - Buurman/Bartels (BMW Z4) - Vita4One + 1"030

3 - Vilander/Salaquarda (Ferrari 458) - AF Corse + 17"256

4 - Pastorelli/Jager (Mercedes SLS) - Munnich + 29"070

5 - Makowiecki/Dusseldorp (McLaren MP4/12C) + Hexis - 29"580

1. Ortelli and Vanthoor 41 points; 2. Halliday and Parisy 31; 3. Jager and Pastorelli 30; 4. Bartels and Buurman 27; 5. Jarvis and Stippler 25, etc.


2012 Chevrolet Volt Review

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I love the business I'm in and would not trade it for the world. I've been waxing on about the times we are in and how exciting they are as we are currently making history. In fifty years from now, the onset of the 21st Century will be considered a pivotal point in automotive history where the internal-combustion engine's supremacy was challenged for the first time in nearly 100 years.

2012 Chevrolet Volt

If hybrids are old news these days, it's EVs that are hogging most of the limelight. You may be privy to the fact that electric vehicles predate hybrids by roughly three-quarters of a Century so, in actuality, both ideas are old.

Volt then
What is far newer than both is the blending, if you will, of both concepts. I vividly recall being at a GM dinner 5 years ago, during the course of the Canadian Auto Show, where I was carrying on a fascinating conversation with one of the engineers responsible for the Volt project.

I was hanging on his every word. In his mind, and in mine, the sheer brilliance of the Volt and its Voltec technology (then called E-Flex) was the complete modularity of the powertrain. The on-board engine, responsible for maintaining momentum as a generator once the batteries are out, could run on gas, diesel, wiener schnitzels, anything. Not only that, but the Volt's platform could be used as a base for a wide variety of vehicular applications.

I was smitten, even excited. At the time, the concept was making the rounds and it was promising as it was quite the looker, inside and out.

2012 Chevrolet Volt engine
The real novelty is the matching of electric and hybrid systems. (Photo: Sébastien D'Amour/Auto123.TV)

Volt now
The car you see in the gallery is a few months shy of being a 4-year old design. It's a funny, yet sad state of affairs. The 2012 Chevrolet Volt is a good looking, aerodynamic and dynamically styled car but it has aged prematurely. That is a personal opinion, of course, but that may also be the reason why the car is instantly recognized, or at least was, when I was driving it around.

This may also, in part, explain why there aren't anywhere near as many on the road as there should be. The lesser-known Nissan LEAF has been outselling the Volt in most North American markets. Could it be that the "newness" factor or more obscure nature of the LEAF make it more appealing? Its design is quirky and unique as well. Is it more than that?

Trying too hard
The 2012 Chevrolet Volt's cabin also plays a role in the car's less-than-stellar sale performance, in my book. Sometimes trying too hard bites back and this is what I feel about the Volt's super-plastic moulded one-piece centre-stack.

The majority of controls are defined only by the small writing but thankfully, the touchscreen display is straightforward enough for easy use. As well, the instrumentation or gauges are presented on a similar screen which allows for clear reading of the state of charge, range and other important nuggets of info.

Unfortunately, the entire dashboard looks to me as though pulled from a '70s or '80s concept. The fact that the car is only a four-seater (because the batteries run down the middle of the car) cannot help. In both cases, the LEAF wins out with a cleaner, more conventional user interface and 5 seating spots. Both, by the way, have good sized trunks.

2012 Chevrolet Volt gauges
The instrumentation or gauges are presented on a similar screen which allows for clear reading of the state of charge, range and other important nuggets of info. (Photo: Sébastien D'Amour/Auto123.TV)

Onwards and forwards
Despite my many misgivings on the Volt's packaging, it's what you don't see and the drive that matters most.

The 2012 Chevrolet Volt goes about getting around with a very complex yet efficient powertrain.

Here goes: It has a Voltec Electric Drive Unit which generates a total of 149 hp (111 kW) and 273 torques of motoring power. The range-extending generator is an 84 hp (55 kW) 1.4L ECOTEC 4-cylinder gasoline engine which requires premium fuel. The battery is a 16-kWh lithium-ion rechargeable storage system.

I encourage you to read how this ingenious system works. My colleague Mike Deslauriers explains the Chevrolet Volt's Voltec system in great detail.

General Motors says that the Volt is an electric car with a range extender. Because it is possible to drive with depleted batteries thanks to a gasoline engine, I prefer to call it a Super-Hybrid. You can draw your own conclusions.

2012 Chevrolet Volt Voltec electric engine
The Voltec Electric Drive Unit generates a total of 149 hp (111 kW) and 273 torques of motoring power. (Photo: Sébastien D'Amour/Auto123.TV)

A typical day with the Volt
Here is a synapse of my morning commute with the Chevrolet Volt.

After a 10-hour charge at 120 V, the battery level indicator displays a 45-km range. Potential EV autonomy varies between 40 and 80 km. The ambient temperature is just below freezing. Moments after I start the car, the gas engine springs to life. The instruments tell me "Engine Running Due to Temperature."

Throttle response is snappy, very much like most other EVs. Once under way, the gas engine shuts off and I travel in full EV mode. To merge on the highway, under heavier acceleration, the 1.4L comes to life. Engine speed increases incrementally to match throttle demand but revs do not drop instantly when it is released.

Merging into traffic and travelling at only 50 km/h, the gas engine turns on. The indicated outside temperature is of -6° Celsius. Brake pedal response is lackadaisical and only once near the end of its travel does the car come to a stop. In stop-and-go traffic, it is a lesson I quickly learn.

Once the entire propulsion system is warmed up, the 1.4L only starts up in high power demand situations. In the event the engine runs, it will cleverly and smartly shuts off when the gas pedal is released. Handling is good and the ride, cosseting yet almost sporty.

As with any other EV, maintaining highway speeds is murderous to the battery. Overall, the car is very quiet and so it is difficult to distinguish road and tire noise from the rumble of the engine.

My work commute is 25 km of which 80% is highway. On this morning, my particular traffic jam lasted under 5 minutes and my average speed hovered around 60 km/h. Once at the office, I plugged in the 2012 Chevrolet Volt while the remaining indicated range was of 16 km.

2012 Chevrolet Volt recharge
After a 10-hour charge at 120 V, the battery level indicator displays a 45-km range. Potential EV autonomy varies between 40 and 80 km. (Photo: Sébastien D'Amour/Auto123.TV)

At no time, at temperatures below zero degrees Celsius, was I able to travel more than 5 km without the engine turning on. Whether the battery was 70% or 100% full, at startup and between -5 at -10°, the generator would run. Because of this, I observed a fuel consumption average of 6.5L/100km, which is no better than a typical midsize hybrid or diesel powered car. In colder Canadian conditions, range and performance are severely affected.

A full charge (10 hours at 120 V, 4 hours at 240 V) loses a large portion of its usefulness, which forces the engine to supply energy. It is important to note that most transitions between drive modes are seamless, or just about. It is possible to enjoy driving the Volt as total maximum range, with a tank of gas, is of nearly 600 km.

In a warmer, more clement climate, the Volt might be able to return the proposed potential average of under 2.0L/100km, but 4 to 6 months out of the year, it will not happen in Canada.

The great debate
I will not have it here as my editor will have a conniption.

The question is whether the 2012 Chevrolet Volt is worth the $41,545 asking price (minus the $5,000 to $8,000 provincial rebate). If you factor in performance, depreciation, fuel consumption and styling (should that be an issue), I know that most will be better off in a Chevrolet Cruze. The green gesture that could be purchasing the Volt seems hardly worth it.

I conclude with the following: the Chevrolet Volt is the nearest any car has come to being anything close to a real solution to our energy and mobility needs. Full EVs are not, nor are hybrids, CNG cars or FCVs. If the General is reading, don't stop the R&D. Consumers, get a compact car and wait for Volt Gen II.

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Blog The Art of the Neutral Bomb

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If you own or ride in a vehicle, you may have, at some point, been the perpetrator or victim of a mischievous activity called the Neutral Bomb.

A Neutral Bomb occurs when the passenger, unknown to the driver, sneaks the vehicle's shift lever into ‘neutral' while the vehicle is stopped at a light or stop sign, or while cruising down the highway.

The driver, believing his engine is still connected to the wheels, will request forward motion via the throttle but be left with a free-spinning engine and a car that's going nowhere fast.

It's a good laugh for all involved - especially if the driver hurriedly pops the shifter back into ‘drive' while the engine is revving away and lays a patch.

2011 Audi R8 Spyder manual shifter
2011 Audi R8 Spyder (Photo: Matthieu Lambert/

As a Neutral Bomb expert and victim, I offer the following pointers for those wishing to participate in (and protect themselves from) the act of Neutral Bombing.
  • Peripheral vision lets drivers see mischievous hands reaching for the shifter and is the Neutral Bomber's enemy. Wait for the driver to look left at a stoplight, to search for something in the vehicle, or to otherwise become distracted away from the gear shifter. Careful attention to the driver's line of sight makes neutral-bombing easier.
  • Drive-thru time is Neutral Bomb time. While the driver is engaged with the window attendant in anticipation of a delicious coffee or bagful of cheeseburgers, knock the shifter into neutral. Drive-thru staff can enjoy the shenanigans when he or she tries to take off.
  • With a column-shift vehicle, Neutral Bombing is tricky. A distraction can help. Some suggestions include pointing at a gas station sign and saying ‘holy cow, look how much gas is!', or pointing out the driver's side of the vehicle and asking ‘wow, is that the new SRT Viper?' That hot chick in the car you just passed is another solid distraction. You'll have less than 1.5 seconds to do the deed - so act quickly. Extra points when successfully completing a neutral bomb on a column-shift vehicle.
  • Be sneaky. It's not a Neutral Bomb if the driver re-engages ‘drive' before stepping on the accelerator again.
  • If your driver has become accustomed to your Neutral Bombing, place a bag of delicious peanut butter cookies on the console ahead of the shifter. Once the driver has accepted your occasional cookie-reaching, capitalize on the situation by executing a neutral bomb about halfway through the bag of cookies. Gummy worms work as well.
  • Neutral Bomb etiquette states that within 10 seconds of being neutral-bombed, the driver may retaliate with a Charlie-horse to your thigh. Protect yourself by wielding a heavy, blunt object. A tire iron works well.
  • Some vehicles use a gated-style shifter which can't be placed into neutral unless the driver touches the brake pedal. Identify these shifters, and plan to execute your Neutral Bomb as the vehicle is being slowed down for an intersection or stop sign.
  • Noisy shifter giving your Neutral Bombs away? Crank up a great tune, cough excessively or belch loudly - then do your work.
  • Neutral Bombing is more interesting when the driver is stopped on a hill. When the vehicle rolls backwards once the brakes are released, the driver is likely to panic and pop the shifter back into drive with the engine revving. This will likely result in laying a patch. Maximum points here.


F1 to return to Bahrain ”forever” says Bernie Ecclestone

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From GMM

The calamitous Bahrain grand prix saga has not jeopardised the island Kingdom's future on the F1 calendar.

That is the strident claim of Bernie Ecclestone, after the F1 chief executive and FIA president Jean Todt displayed rare unity as they insisted the country's civil and political problems would not affect the grand prix.

But amid the bubbling Bahrain saga, Ecclestone had suggested that Bahrain might face trouble when it comes to negotiating a new contract, with the existing agreement only set to extend for three more years.

F1 Bahrain Pirelli
Start of the 2012 Bahrain grand prix. (Photo: Pirelli)

However, when asked by Reuters if F1 is going to keep returning to Bahrain despite this year's troubles, Ecclestone insisted on Sunday before leaving the Persian Gulf: "Absolutely. Forever. No problem."

Like Todt, he even played down the damage done to F1's reputation this weekend.

"I think it's good because people talk about things, you know. You know what they say -- there is no such thing as bad publicity," said Ecclestone.

In truth, reputation damage has undoubtedly been done. But Roger Benoit, the veteran correspondent for the Swiss newspaper Blick, admitted he is dismayed with how politics interfered with sport so strikingly this weekend.

"On all continents, somewhere, all hell is breaking loose. And as a formula one reporter, you're flying around this globe two or three times a year," he wrote.

"We go to countries that are politically explosive. Where human rights are violated, where poverty reigns. But we hardly talk about it -- not in China, India, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore or Brazil. In 2014, we're going to Russia. Years ago, our circus happily danced around in apartheid South Africa, and the military dictatorship of Argentina. Formula one is pure entertainment. Detached from the problems of the world. But here, in Bahrain, every reporter entered the political field, whether he liked to or not," wrote Benoit.

So that is why Ecclestone is unapologetic, after championing the Bahrain grand prix.

"Because, basically, the problems they have in Bahrain have nothing to do with F1," the 81-year-old told El Pais newspaper. "The relevant agencies gave the nod as far as security was concerned, and I think it is clear that they were not wrong."

He also sees no problem with F1 being used as a political tool.

"Governments want to have an F1 race for the same reason as they want the Olympics. We come to agreements with the promoters and, if that's good for the country, fine," said Ecclestone.


F1: Pirelli tires, is it ”show” or ”lottery”?

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Frmo GMM

Tires. The political dramas aside, that word utterly dominated the Bahrain grand prix weekend.

Afterwards, Michael Schumacher admitted he was "unhappy" with the situation.

"Sometimes we are driving only 60, 70 per cent through the corners," he is quoted by Bild newspaper.

Pirelli did not take the criticism lightly, insisting it has made Canada 2010-style, heavily degrading tires to order, for the benefit of the 'show'.

Motor sport director Paul Hembery on Monday 're-Tweeted' a message from a follower accusing the seven time world champion of having thrown "his toys out of the pram".

Pirelli F1
Photo: Pirelli

Moreover, Pirelli said Bahrain is perhaps "the most demanding" on the entire calendar when it comes to degradation.

"As a result, knowing how to manage the tires and contain thermal degradation was a vital skill" on Sunday, the Italian marque said in a statement.

On Twitter, The Times' correspondent Kevin Eason called Bahrain an "excellent race, although I am not sure we haven't moved from tire management to lottery".

The roulette wheel didn't spin up for McLaren - the team with arguably the best overall car so far in 2012 - on Sunday.

"Nobody has added a second to their cars in just a week after China," lamented Jenson Button, "but here we were a second off the pace."

Lotus F1
Lotus' pit crew at work. (Photo: Lotus F1 Team)

His boss Martin Whitmarsh told Auto Motor und Sport: "Maybe it was the pressures, maybe the temperatures. We really don't know."

The German reporter said Whitmarsh's comment indicates an "uncomfortable realisation" for such a scientifically meticulous team.

Whitmarsh agreed: "It is now more important to understand the tires than to find a bit more downforce."

The tire marque's test driver Jaime Alguersuari told Mundo Deportivo newspaper that Pirelli deserves credit, not criticism.

"Pirelli is largely responsible for making F1 the most spectacular it has been in a decade," said the young Spaniard.


F1 Bahrain: Photo gallery of Sebastian Vettel’s win in Bahrain (+photos)

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The correct tire strategy was instrumental in securing Sebastian Vettel's first victory of the year at the Bahrain Grand Prix, with the Red Bull Racing driver selecting a three-stop strategy to seal his 22nd career win after claiming pole position in qualifying.

At the end of four races, four different teams have now each claimed a race win and Vettel has become the fourth different drivers' championship leader.

F1 Bahrain
Photos: WRi2

Lotus F1 driver Kimi Raikkonen saved some fresh tires in qualifying and used them wisely during the race. The Finn started the Grand Prix in 11th place, led the race at one point and finished second, not far behind Vettel.

Raikkonen's teammate, Romain Grosjean, contested his best F1 race in career, finishing third.

Mark Webber, Vettel's teammate, arrived home in fourth place ahead of the Mercedes AMG of Nico Rosberg and the Force India of Paul Di Resta.


F1: Lotus not sorry after skipping team order

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From GMM

Lotus did not consider employing team orders in order to boost Kimi Raikkonen's chances of winning the Bahrain grand prix.

The 2007 world champion ultimately finished second and even had a stab at overtaking winner Sebastian Vettel.

And he might have had an ever better chance at challenging the Red Bull had his Lotus team chiefs ordered teammate Romain Grosjean aside at a crucial moment.

"Yeah," confirmed Finn Raikkonen, "but there are no team orders and we know the rules. I tried to get past as quickly as I can but it's not easy with two similar cars.

"It's always easy to say afterwards 'if we had done that' but in the end we were not fast enough to win and we have to take the second," he added.

F1 Lotus Bahrain
2012 Bahrain grand prix podium. (Photo: Lotus F1 Team)

Despite team orders being effectively legal in F1, team boss Eric Boullier confirmed that Lotus does not follow that policy.

"We don't want to play team orders, so we let them race normally and what happened, happened," he is quoted by the Mirror.

The most important thing, according to Spanish commentator and former veteran F1 engineer Joan Villadelprat, is that the former Renault team still knows how to win.

"Maybe they don't have the best car on the grid, because McLaren and Red Bull and Mercedes are probably better, but Lotus have made a car capable of competing with the best in the right circumstances," he wrote in El Pais newspaper.


Ferrari F1 car driven by Gilles Villeneuve vs Italian jet fighter (+video)

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Thirty-one-year ago, the Ferrari 126C Formula 1 car contested a drag race against an Italian jet fighter. Here is a short video of the event.

It happened on November 22, 1981 at the Istrana military airport in Italy.

The Ferrari driven by Gilles Villeneuve was the 126C model, powered by the 580-horsepower, 1.5-litre, turbocharged V-6 engine.

The jet was a Italian Air Force F104 Starfighter. The drag race took place on one of the runways of the airport, covering a total distance of one kilometre from standstill.

After a first run, Villeneuve asked the Ferrari mechanics to remove the rear wing (that generates massive drag) in order to reach a better top speed.

The race ended with a clear victory of the Ferrari F1 car due to the fog that forced the jet fighter to take off with some extra weight and a bit more flap angle than normally needed.


Lamborghini shows Urus concept in Beijing

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Lamborghini brings the Urus SUV concept to the 2012 Beijing Motor Show, complete with 600 horses and seating for four, while offering the lowest emissions of any insanely powered luxury SUV. Powertrain details remain vague, but Lambo promises it will be the most powerful SUV on the road when it enters production, rumoured to happen for 2015.

Lamborghini Urus Concept
Photo: Lamborghini

The Urus concept features variable ground clearance and permanent all-wheel drive along with versatile luggage space. The interior features Forged Composite, a carbon fibre-reinforced plastic developed in partnership with golf titan Callaway.

Lambo says they'd be looking at about 3,000 units annually with a focus on the US, UK, Germany, Russia, the Middle East and China.

The urus, or auroch, was a large, wild cattle whose last surviving example died in the 17th century. The name choice continues Lambo's penchant for all things bullish.

2013 Chevrolet Spark Preview

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"Safe, affordable, versatile and stingy at the pump"... The 2013 Chevrolet Spark, with the original multifunction touch-screen system, is expected in Canada by mid-2012. Already winning several safety awards in Europe and Asia, this tiny Chevy - just 3.7 metres (144.7 inches) long - will compete here with the likes of the Fiat 500, smart fortwo and Scion iQ.

2013 Chevrolet Spark

The centre of attraction: a 7” diagonal touch-screen that's compatible with Bluetooth devices, allowing free hand calls. Plus, you can play videos or check out photos, when the car is not running.

This indulging infotainment technology contrasts sharply with its sobriety at the pump, with fuel economy of 5.1L/100km. The reason? How about a 1.2L inline-four Ecotec engine, plus low rolling resistance tires, propelling a low weight of under 2,400 pounds (1,100 kg).

2013 Chevrolet Spark dashboard
The centre of attraction: a 7” diagonal touch-screen that's compatible with Bluetooth devices, allowing free hand calls. (Photo: General Motors)

And the Spark comes well protected, with Chevrolet adding OnStar call assist in case of collision to the 5-year/160,000-km powertrain guarantee. Safety equipment also includes 10 standard air bags. These safety features have won awards in Europe and Korea - where The Spark is already on the market.

Comfort on the road for both driver and passengers is helped by the StabiliTrak stability control system with brake assist.

As for the build of the 4-door hatchback, appearances can be deceiving. Rear door handles are ‘hidden' in the C-pillar to give the Spark a sportier, two-door appearance. Rest assured, four doors means room for four passengers.

2013 Chevrolet Spark left side view
Rear door handles are ‘hidden' in the C-pillar to give the Spark a sportier, two-door appearance. (Photo: General Motors)

Exterior styling matches 15-inch alloy wheels with a bold choice of colours: Salsa, Jalapeno, Denim, Lemonade and Techno Pink. For the more conservative, there also more subdued tones: Black Granite Metallic, Silver Ice Metallic and Summit White.

Inside the 2LT version, you'll find heated leatherette front seats and a leather-wrapped steering wheel. For better visibility in particular, the dash and instrumentation sizes have been decreased.

Although prices for the 2013 Chevrolet Spark haven't been set for the Canadian market yet, you can expect an MRSP of under $14,000.

GM sees Cadillac chasing Audi in China with U.S. prestige

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GM, a year after reclaiming global sales leadership, is preparing a renewed Cadillac push in China with plans to introduce new products, increase local production and expand sales outlets as it aims to boost sales in the country at least fivefold to...

BEIJING SHOW: Victoria Beckham does a Posh Evoque

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It's been two years since the deal was announced but the first collaboration between LA-based British fashion designer and former Spice Girl Victoria Beckham and Land Rover has broken cover as a 200-unit Evoque Special Edition revealed ahead of the Beijing show.

BEIJING: Victoria Beckham does a Posh Evoque

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It's been two years since the deal was announced but the first collaboration between LA-based British fashion designer and former Spice Girl Victoria Beckham and Tata Motors-owned Land Rover has broken cover as a 200-unit Evoque Special Edition revealed ahead of the Beijing show.

UK: Chevy Volt’s countryside appeal

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While most electric cars are being targeted at people who live in towns and cities because of their limited range on a full charge, Chevrolet UK will be taking a completely different approach with the Volt.

Diesel and hybrid sales up for 2012

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When gasoline prices go up, sales followand#8212;especially sales of diesel and hybrid cars.

Manta Landsailer Twinjammer: Sailor’s Review Notes

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I must go down to the sea again, to the lonely sea and the sky, and all I ask is a patch of dirt, three wheels, a sail and a foot-operated tiller to steer her by . . .

Ford to quadruple SUV offerings in China over next year

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Ford, seeking to tap into China's growing appetite for brawny SUVs, will quadruple its offerings in that segment over the next year.

Sebastian Vettel wins in Bahrain – 2012 Bahrain Grand Prix

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Sebastian Vettel has won the Bahrain Grand Prix, ahead of Lotus teammates Raikkonen and Grosjean


First look: Lamborghini Urus

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First look: Lamborghini Urus
First look: Lamborghini Urus - Automoblie Magazine
Lamborghini has taken the wraps off its much-anticipated full-size crossover.

Lamborghini has taken the wraps off its much-anticipated full-size crossover. Although we're still not convinced that the Italian supercar maker has any business building such a vehicle, we can at least report that the Urus, as the concept is called, does not look hideous. In fact, it's rather nice.

Photo Gallery: First look: Lamborghini Urus - Automoblie Magazine

Photo Gallery: First look: Lamborghini Urus - Automoblie Magazine

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