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UNO announces new protocol for fuel consumption ratings

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The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) has adopted the new Worldwide Harmonized Light Duty Test Procedures (WLTP) to replace the current NEDC protocol, which has been used since 1996.

The much more accurate WLTP will significantly reduce the gaps between lab tests and real-world fuel consumption numbers, although they won't quite match them.

“Consumers who purchase a new car will feel more confident about the fuel ratings advertized by car companies, and they won't face unpleasant surprises at the pump,” a UNECE spokesman told AFP.

Countries that will soon enforce the WLTP protocol include the entire European Union, Australia, China, India, Japan, Norway, South Korea, Moldavia, Russia, South Africa, and Turkey.

Canada and the U.S. have yet to join in.

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