This is a car capable of holding its own against anything a Dodge Challenger or Chevy Camaro brings to the street in factory trim.
This was amusing. I worked late last night, and when I left the office, downtown Ann Arbor was largely deserted, and a light rain was falling. The few pedestrians present were dashing through crosswalks, heads bowed, in a hurry to reach warm and dry bars and cars. But the angry sound of this Mustang's 540-hp, supercharged V-8 and its throaty, H-pipe exhaust was not to be ignored. People looked up, startled, wondering what in the world was creating such a racket on this quiet October weeknight. I'm not surprised. Heck, I was startled, too, especially when I tried to goose the throttle. The reaction from the live rear axle was immediate and violent. The 18-inch Goodyear Eagle F1 rear tires shuddered and skidded and protested at the very notion that they were being asked to provide grip and propulsion on this cold, wet pavement, sending the rear end of the car toward the curb. These tires might as well have been carved of solid oak rather than rubber, so little did they adhere. Okay, I exaggerate, but you know what I mean.
Photo Gallery: 2008 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500KR - Ford Sport Coupe Review - Automobile Magazine
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