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F1: Lotus remains race favourite for Canada says Alguersuari

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From GMM

Yet another weekend has passed in which the pre-race favourite, Lotus, failed to deliver.

But Jaime Alguersuari thinks the Enstone based team remains poised to shine in the very near future.

"From my point of view, I still believe that they have the most competitive package, both mechanically and aerodynamically," said the former Toro Rosso driver.

"They have great traction and very little degradation of the rear tyres. It is unfortunate that here they were not able to get the most from it but you will see again in Canada they will again be the favourites," the Spaniard told the AS sports daily in Monaco.

Lotus F1
Photo: Lotus F1 Team

Behind garage doors, however, confusion still reigns.

Red Bull became the sport's only multiple-race winner of the 2012 season so far with Mark Webber's Monaco breakthrough.

But team manager Jonathan Wheatley used the word "lottery" to explain how races are being won and lost.

"On Thursday we thought ninth or tenth would be our maximum," he is quoted by Der Spiegel. "Lotus with Romain Grosjean looked over a second quicker than the rest."

Flavio Briatore said teams will be needing to take a 'long game' approach to the championship, with championship leader Fernando Alonso the favourite in his view.

"If the lottery continues, it will be best to cope with it by having the most tickets in your pocket," the former Renault team boss told La Gazzetta dello Sport. "And that's Alonso."

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