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F1: McLaren knows what’s wrong with the Honda-powered MP4-29

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The various issues that slowed down the first two outings of the new Honda power unit will no longer be a problem, according to McLaren boss, Eric Boullier.

Test driver Stoffel Vandoorne only managed a handful of laps over the two days of the Abu Dhabi post-season tests, aboard an interim MP4-29. But after a thorough investigation, most of the teething problems have been solved, Boullier says.

"We changed a little bit the schedule and we sent Honda, McLaren people and the car itself back here [to Woking] for full investigations," the Frenchman is quoted as saying by Sky Sports.

Stoffel Vandoorne McLaren MP4-29 Honda Abu Dhabi F1
Stoffel Vandoorne did get to drive much in Abu Dhabi (Photo: WRI2)

"They worked very hard for a week and they found out everything. A recovery plan is in place. Part of it has already been fixed, so there are now some further tests on dynos to validate."

Boullier says the problems did not affect one particular area of the car. It was just a general issue with the hardware: "It was not only one problem. There were hardware issues which obviously made the wrong software code.

"So then we had to first find out what was wrong in the hardware system to fix the software system."

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