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F1: Nineteen funny questions to Sebastian Vettel

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The reigning triple world champion answered a special questionnaire conducted by the official Formula One website.

The sportsperson I most admire is...
Sebastian Vettel: Michael Schumacher, as I know him best. It could also be Michael Jordan, but I have never met him so I'll stick to what I know.

The best actor in the world is...
SV: John Travolta.

The most memorable overtaking move of my career was...
SV: Many - some from way back, some quite recently...

F1 Red Bull Sebastian Vettel
Photo: WRi2

My favourite song of all time is...
SV: It depends on the mood. If I really have to pick one, Back In Black.

The best thing about the off-season is...
SV: Being home.

The worst haircut I ever got was...
SV: My short hairdo at the beginning of 2007!

The last time I lost my temper was...
SV: I lose my temper over small things - but calm down again very fast. A well-tempered personality...

My first pet was...
SV: The family dog - a Dalmatian by the name of Floyd.

My most treasured possession is...
SV: My memory.

The funniest person I know is...
SV: In terms of humour, Bernie Ecclestone.

F1 Bernie Ecclestone Sebastian Vettel
Sebastian Vettel and Bernie Ecclestone. (Photo: WRi2)

My favourite drink is...
SV: Red Bull and apple spritzer.

You would never catch me wearing...
SV: Nothing.

The best excuse to give your team boss after crashing the car is...
SV: I am always honest - even to my disadvantage...

The last time I lost something was...
SV: I ‘almost' lose things - recently I thought I'd lost my wallet, but hadn't. Even more recently I thought I'd lost my passport, but hadn't...

My favourite holiday destination is...
SV: Home.

My favourite time of the day is...
SV: Morning.

The strangest rumour I've ever read about myself is...
SV: That I had bought an Alp in Austria. And that I had signed for Ferrari.

The best present I've been given by a fan is...
SV: A drawing - of me and my car - from a fan at this year's Australian Grand Prix in Melbourne.

The best cure for a hangover is...
SV: Water.

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