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F1: Smirnoff vodka teams up with Sahara Force India

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Smirnoff vodka begins a new partnership with Sahara Force India Formula 1 Team.

The partnership provides a high profile, truly global, platform for Smirnoff within one of the world's most iconic sports enjoyed by millions of fans around the world.

The press release says responsible drinking will lie at the heart of the partnership. Smirnoff will use its position as an official partner of the Sahara Force India Formula One Team to deliver a powerful anti-drink drive message.

The partnership will see Smirnoff branding featured on the VJM07s of Sahara Force India drivers from next weekend's Spanish Grand Prix in Barcelona.

Logos will appear on the rear wing and top of the chassis, with branding on the sidepods at key races. Drivers' suits, helmets and team clothing will also carry the famous Smirnoff eyebrow logo.

F1 VJM07 Smirnoff Sahara Force India
Sahara Force India VJM07. (Photo: Sahara Force India)

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