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NASCAR stars visit President Obama at the White House

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Twelve mostly oval drivers paid a visit to the occupant of the Oval Office on Wednesday afternoon.

Those drivers from NASCAR's 2011 Chase for the Sprint Cup had a meet and greet with United States President Barack Obama and the quips were flying.

NASCAR Tony Stewart Barack Obama
Tony Stewart, 2011 NASCAR Sprint Cup champion, and Barack Obama, President of the United States of America. (Photo: NASCAR)

The event took place on the South Lawn as the President thanked NASCAR officials for their continuing hard work and support of the military.

He also lauded Carl Edwards sportsmanship - handling his runner up finish on a tie-breaker to the 2011 and three-time Sprint Cup Champ Tony Stewart. "Everybody who saw Carl after the race — it was a great lesson in how you handle disappointment with grace and with class," Obama said. "He's a outstanding representative for all of NASCAR."

NASCAR Tony Stewart Barack Obama
Tony Stewart and Barack Obama. (Photo: NASCAR)

President Obama remarks to Stewart praised the grit needed to comeback from a slow start and capture the title by maximum performance.

"Nobody saw it coming," said President Obama. "We've all heard about athletes who say they're going to do what it takes to win it all, but back in August with the season winding down, Tony predicted he wouldn't be able to pull it off. In fact, he said if he did end up winning the championship, and this is a quote, ‘I'll declare I'm a total bumbling idiot.' But I think Tony's hero, the great AJ Foyt, put it best when he said the reason Tony won is because ‘he drove the best race of his life, period'."

All of the competitors were treated to a special tour of the Presidential residence.

Hosted by CifTech Hosting.